Coaching for Couples

Rekindle the flame with coaching …

Do you have difficulty communicating?

Is your intimate life unsatisfying or missing? Didn’t you get what you wanted? Is arguing and fighting in your reality? Worried about separation or divorce? Have you been heartbroken? You can heal the gap! For couples and singles alike.

A relationship should be an experience of support, care and growth that brings out the best in you, not a constant struggle that never seems to end. I can help you understand each other’s behaviors, dissolve those issues, completely change communication, and live the relationship you really want.

Coaching is for you if you meet any of the following characteristics:

Here’s what coaching can help you be successful:

  • Communication Problems – Troubled Times.
  • Sexual problems – difficulty expressing needs and wants.
  • Trust issues – not getting what you want.
  • Anger, resentment, guilt, jealousy
  • Fear of trust
  • Infidelity


The biggest obstacle to harmonious relationships is not understanding each other’s behaviors, decoding how they communicate, and getting our needs and wants.

To be seen, heard and recognized, and to love for who you are.

I can help you understand the language of love so that you can create the space your relationship needs, the support and the appreciation you really want.

Coaching is an active, growing and transforming process that guides you to understand yourself, your partner and your relationship. Using the latest and most effective coaching methods, you will learn to speak the language of love, to communicate effectively and thus rekindle the flame. Coaching is the best way to heal the gap and start living the loving relationship you desire.


A full day of training answering all your questions and giving you the big truths about the differences between men and women. We provide you with simple solutions in order to move from differences to complementarity model of the couple, to develop your skills in communication, approaches and their applications. 

A day where couples who saw their differences can understand each other more deeply, learn new skills and move from the adversary model to the a partnership model based on compassion  leading you to passion. 

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