Sexship Coach

Helping you channel your full potential

Hi, I’m Chantal!

I am first and foremost the Creator of a unique approach to love and relationships known as “Sexship ™: The Art of Sexual Intelligence, Creating More Love By Making Love” .

My Story

With over 20 years of experience in the field of transformation, I have helped countless people transform, their relationships and their lives. 

 Trained in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), I produced a television series on the energy of our environment for Cogeco and Rogers.

 I am certified in the most effective method of conflict resolution called Ho’oponopono, the ancient Hawaiian method described in the book “Zero Limits”, I was honored to have been trained by Dr. Hew Len and spend time with him in private.

Trained in BODY MIND CODE by Dr.Mario Martinez and Spiritual and intimacy teacher David Deida.

A proven method of creating intimacy in our lives, so powerful it heals relationships. When done right, it can heal your body … and your Spirit. We are so hungry for this very rich way of life … the absence of it is a testament to the poor quality of broken relationships. Broken relationships = Broken minds. We are made to appreciate love and intimacy…. we need to know how. SEXSHIP ™ teaches you that.

My Values & Beliefs

Train Your Mind

Scientific Proven Method

Appreciate your Partner Always

My Approach

With the most effective methods of transformation, you will relearn the art of loving again. We are entering a period of profound changes in the dynamics of intimate relationships. The old model of adversarial intimate relationships fueled by power struggles is breaking down. The time has come for a true partnership. Real partnerships are strong partnerships … this is the heart of SEXSHIP ™.

As with all big changes, there will be some bumps … Now is the perfect time to choose a coach who specializes in this knowledge and is knowledgeable, backed by many successes, in order to bring this new awareness to life.

My Method is Proven

My method is so successful that even couples who have gone through separation have had amazing results. Not only are they reconciled, but they experience a constant improvement in intimacy in their relationship. They told me they were happier than ever! And it keeps getting better!

If the future of your relationship is uncertain, the worst thing you can do is just hope that things will get better. Don’t leave it until it’s too late. Follow your inspiration… it will lead you down the perfect road!

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Sex Path Today!

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