welcome to sexship ride

I’m Chantal Lamontagne

Chantall Montagne

Address your biggest challenges in sex, relationships and dating.

3rd year in a row BEST SELLER!

Unlock Your Full Potential. Say Hello to THE NEW YOU

Whatever your concern – sexless or intimacy-deprived relationships, low sexual desire – we can help. We work with both individuals and couples in our sex coaching internationally to address your biggest challenges in sex, relationships, and dating.

Through the experiential and practical 100% working Method we’ve created, you will discover what you really want around sex, intimacy, and relationship – and move past whatever is holding you back so you can go out and get it!

Helps Keep Your Immune System Humming

Boosts Your Libido

Improves Women's Bladder Control

Lowers Your Blood Pressure

Goal Setting

Using sexual energy transmutation to achieve a particular goal or manifest something or someone special in your life is an easy and peaceful process.

Relationship Coaching

By teaching you how to be in a relationship with them in mutually satisfying ways, we coach you to empowers you to have mutually satisfying relationships with others.

Stress Management

Recreating the energy from your courtship therefore producing oxytocin the bonding hormones which are essential for your woman to desire you.

Sex Advice

Our coaching can help to reduce, increase stamina, and improve the overall quality of sex.

What Is Sexship Coaching?
Who is Coaching For?

Reignite the flame in your relationship with the power of Sexship, a unique approach to love, connection, and the creation of intimacy.

Enrich every area of your life and your relationship through the powerful simplicity of Sexship.

Sexship Coaching guides you from questions and confusion to living the life of rich intimacy you’ve always wanted.

About Me

Chantal Lamontagne has been operating in the Coaching world for over 20 years. She has helped hundreds of clients live lives worthy of their desires.

She has created a unique, effective and simple coaching style that produces lasting and permanent results. Trained in NLP and Ho’oponopono as well as the “BODYMIND CODE” method with Dr. Mario Martinez, she is now recognized as helping couples in difficulty to reconcile, often by working with only one partner.

She is a regular columnist at Choi Radio X QC, has given interviews to RADIO MIEUX-ÊTRE, CKOI and is invited by Isabelle Maréchal. The book L’AMOUR SEXSHIP was chosen by READER’s Digest as Book of the Year 2013.

Thanks to her concept called “Love SEXSHIP ™, the Art of Sexual Intelligence”, a Best-Seller since its release, she accompanies her clients until their successful reconciliation, singles find and keep love. .



Chantal, your book is current, but at the same time timeless and above all universal. The Love Sexship will launch in Europe, but could be translated into multiple languages ​​and travel the world! 🙂

– Nathalie Chartier


Chantal Lamontagne, THE woman who understands what men want. Love SEXSHIP is a book every couple should read, happy or not! For me, this is the only possible “Version” of an eternal couple …

– Maxime Coulombe

You must see this interview with Chantal Lamontagne, an extraordinary woman whom I know personally. You will be knocked down, and run to get his book. You will not regret it.”

– Dominic picotte

I have already said it and I will repeat it … this book is like the bible of modern times … really a real woman and a real man we put our cards on the table and described to us what is happening in life today … . he helps me on a daily basis…. THANK YOU !!!

– France Mongeau


After reading this book I felt reassured because I tended to think that I was not normal, but no what I want is legitimate and even it seems that all women want what I want WOWWWW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A BIG THANK YOU!

– Lise henry

What a workshop it was… ..and what to say about this extraordinary book! to read absolutely to enrich your life as a couple ……… ..and to share ……

– Monique Morency

I recommend this workshop to EVERYONE! Chantal Lamontagne is truly a wonderful woman who comes up with effective solutions that work. Whether you are a couple or single, treat yourself to this wonderful gift that will amaze your life!

– Evelyne Desrochers


This book is a MUST !!!!… it changed a lot of things in my perceptions of a romantic relationship !!!… a book jewel !!! .. thank you!

– Chantal Schmouth

Hello Madame Lamontagne I wanted to tell you that I sometimes suggest readings to clients including your book, Love sexship and hereby share with you the benefits people derive from it. I suggest reading Love Sexhip to clients who want to clarify their must and dealbreakers to prepare for a new relationship. But also, I suggest Love Sexship from a preventive perspective, either simply so that a couple’s partners can better understand each other and / or better understand different male-female perspectives. So I sometimes suggest that they read it as a “bedtime story”, since it has not been translated into English (nor Spanish!) To date. I invite the French-speaking person to read passages to their partner, then to discuss together their perspectives, their similar or different opinions, etc. I hear good feedback about the conversations your book is generating. Also, I sometimes suggest that clients who are in a relationship read Love Sexship individually. Some indicate that their partner encourages them to continue to see their shrink but also to continue reading this book because their couple derives improvements in their communications and welcome reconciliations. This is what I wanted to share with you, hoping that your book will be translated soon, best to you.

– Dense P. Psychologist

I loved your book, very inspiring with lots of possibilities and openness for a future relationship. It makes me want to live a life of love again. (what I had lost) Thank you After all this great personal work, it’s time to harvest. Wow Chantal what a powerful inspiration you are for us. well done

– Francine Kirouac


If you haven’t read this book yet, hurry up and it will surely make a difference in your life !!

– Sylvie Genest

Today, I thank La Vie for having put Chantal Lamontagne on my path. Never in my life have I felt so well accompanied and supported in a process of personal development. You help me discover myself and love what I discover. You teach me to accept myself as I am. You give me no choice but to create an increasingly beautiful and comfortable reality for me. When I think that no one can understand me, you always find the perfect words that soothe me. You support me, understand me and listen to me and for that, I say to you: THANKS !!!!!! I am frankly very grateful. Thank you for being who you are because it is so inspiring! Thank you for changing my day that was going to be ugly by a day that takes on the appearance of a mission and which gives me hope magnifique A wonderful day to you !!!!! May 2012 Follow-up July 2013 Lately, I was thinking about when you told myself that one day, I couldn’t believe that I could be SO good with my husband… And that day has happened for several months now. And I often stop to realize it and indeed, I could not imagine one day achieving such happiness … But now, we talk to each other a lot more … I have developed confidence in him, enough to show him my vulnerable side !!!!! It’s amazing because I never thought I could! One day it kind of clicked and I finally understood what you were talking about … It’s wonderful !!!!! You really make a difference in people’s lives, I have no doubts, so yeah, keep making love win !!!! You’re the best!!!!! Have a good day!!! That’s why I thank you with all my heart and say THANK YOU again !!!!! E.P

– Elyane

Hello Chantal, Congratulations…! And for my part, I had already reserved the book before its release and in 2 days I had finished reading it and I liked it so much. If you only knew what this book has changed in my life. A thousand times thank you xx

– Isabelle Desrochers


Hello Chantal, A little note to thank you once again… 🙂 This time, it was for your teaching so just that allowed me to get through it quickly…. Above all, I learned an apprenticeship; I can receive! In addition, my “needs and desires” became clearer, WONDERFUL!…. I know love is waiting for me… and I’ve never been happier that I didn’t have sex with someone… 😉 My God, it feels good to feel this way; without regret and without questioning !!! Many thanks, Aloha

– Marjoram Hétu

Couples! Need tips for a hot sex and love life? Go listen to this! Chantal Lamontagne is extraordinary! I was lucky enough to take a workshop with her (not sexship love… but I will someday for sure) and she is an energy bomb, passionate! And take the time to read “L’amour sexship”… ”“ Chantal, you are extraordinary! It makes me want to relive the experience of a couple! 🙂 ”“ Bravo Chantal! It’s so deserved! This book releases your energy. He is motivating and very lively! Get ready to follow your book to Europe! Our friends there are going to want to meet you, that’s for sure !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

– Jocelyne Gagnon

Hello Chantal, I am happy to see that everything is continuing for you. A quick note to let you know that I’m 38, almost 39 weeks pregnant. Maxime and I are looking forward to this baby. Our relationship is one of sharing, love and pure happiness. Maxime proposed to me .. and I gladly accepted! In short, we are living the relationship we have always wanted and we are preparing to live with a third person. Thank you for your workshop. Thanks for your book. Thank you for coming with us. Have a good day!

– Marjorie


It is a gift from Heaven, impeccably correct! At 63, you make me want to live again. For me, it is a miracle. I am giving it to my 3 children today. From the bottom of my heart THANK YOU

– Marie-France Swaenepoël

Hello Ms. Lamontagne, I had the pleasure of getting my hands on your book during the Success Symposium last March. I just finished reading it and wanted to tell you how brilliant, smart and concrete I found it. Several times I had a smile on my face as I said to myself: “This is so!” I read it to fill my professional curiosity, but the woman found it useful too. I have been a sex therapist for over 10 years and your Sexship concept speaks to me a lot. I look forward to hearing from you and again, congratulations on your excellent book!

– Valérie Morency, Sexologist

Find Your Balance. Set Your Goals. Take A Challenge. Reward Yourself.

Good sex life is good for your heart. Besides being a great way to raise your heart rate, sex helps keep your estrogen and testosterone levels in balance. “When either one of those is low you begin to get lots of problems, like osteoporosis and even heart disease,” Pinzone says. Having sex more often may help.

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Sex Path Today!

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